Dear Divine Soul,
Now, you can Enroll for Online Vastu Shastra Course by Indian Institute of Astrological Sciences. Video instructions (Hindi) to complete your Course by Rupinder Saggoo.
The Art & Science of LivingVastu Shastra is an illuminating feature of Indian Architecture, culture and tradition. It is increasingly accepted all over the world as it has proved extremely beneficial. Vastu Shastra and allied sciences of Astrology are an integral part of alternative system of art of living as a whole. Steps have been taken to translate this knowledge into practical remedies for common man through regular courses in Vastu Shastra. This course is specially designed to make this science compatible to the present day to day requirements of a common man.
During the course we will study the following: Module 1: Introduction to Vastu Shastra, Vastu and Tattwas. Module 2: Importance of Soil in Vastu. Module 3: Facing of Plot Module 4: Selection of Plot – Open space, surround of the plot, etc. Module 5: Vidhi Shoola/Road hitting Module 6: Directions and its Importance Module 7: Importance and placement of Main Gate and Main Door Module 8: Kitchen and its Importance in Vastu Shastra Module 9: Bedroom:- Master’s bedroom, Kid’s Bedroom, Old couple’s Room, Servant’s Room, Guest Room. Module 10: Puja Room and its Importance Module 11: Study Room, Dining Area, Drawing Room Module 12: Gym, Store, Home Theatre, Bar at Home, Basement Module 13: Placement of Tubewell, Over Head Water Tank, Gen set, inverter, all electric equipment, washing area, etc. Module 14: Importance and placement of Stairs Module 15: Placement of Toilets according to laws of Vastu Shastra. Module 16: Remedies: Colours, House hold articles and Plantation